I've always thought of superfoods as those whole foods that are very high in bioavailable nutrients.
Another way to say it is, you can live on superfoods.
Here's what Wikipedia says:
Superfood is a term sometimes used to describe food with high phytonutrient content that some may believe confers health benefits as a result. For example, blueberries are often considered a superfood (or superfruit) because they contain significant amounts of antioxidants, anthocyanins, vitamin C, manganese, and dietary fiber. [1] However, the term is not in common currency amongst dieticians and nutritional scientists, many of whom dispute the claims made that consuming particular foodstuffs can have a health benefit[2] There is no legal definition of the term and it has been alleged that this has led to it being over-used as a marketing tool.[3]
That's what I call faint praise indeed. I suspect that the definition was shaped by Big Ag and the Pharmaceutical Industry.
The purpose of their definition is to invalidate or cast doubt. I don't know if that is really a fair approach.
Here is what Graci and Diamond, authors of The Power of Superfoods say:
Superfood the most nutrient-rich and completely absorbable food in any classification of protein, carbohydrates, fat or fiber;
contains powerful antioxidants, disease-preventing phytochemicals, and a wide range of colors;
allows the body a supply of balanced energy and supports accellerated healing;
examples are ...spirulina, phosphatidyl choline, alfalfa, barley, and wheat grasses, milk thistle, and ...green tea.
I don't know about phosphatidyl choline, but I've eaten all the other items.