I believe that accounts for the emerging popularity of single foods to take care of a health problem. The most widespread [pun warning] concern is overweight. That one problem attracts more one food solutions than any other.
The most extreme form of this obsession is the monodiet. This means you eat only one food for a short period of time. And short is the governing principle here.
The grapefruit diet, the watermelon diet, the grape cure...any of these sound familiar?
No one expects to be on one food for a long period of time. It's just a temporary expedient to achieve a short term goal.
That's why I question the philosophy of one superfood to take care of everything. Or even to handle a particular problem on an ongoing basis.
I believe there is a saturation effect. Sure, you may get a boost in the short term. but, after a while, the inherent imbalance in your diet and metabolism will catch up with you.
The Açai Berry
This açai berry is one of the marvels discovered in the Amazon rainforest. Having a featured role on Oprah has launched it into orbit.Marketed as a weight loss product, it has more to offer.
Some of the benefits associated with the açai berry are:
• increased energy
• improved digestion
• antioxident effect
• improved skin appearance
• reduced cholesterol
• improved sexual experience
• better sleep
It's possible that the last benefit follows naturally from the next to last. :>)
The ideal processing of the berries uses the same low temperature drying that other superfoods have in preparing them for market. Liquifying it means some form of pasturization. And that means goodby enzymes.
There are supplements like Nuriche that have açai in them along with other beneficial superfoods. That makes sense to me. A balanced supplement of an array of superfoods will not throw you off balance and set up a dangerous situation.
Common sense, for me, means adopting a program that you can live with.